
Who Expanded The Palace Of Versailles To Its Present Size?

Palace of Versailles: Facts & History

The Palace of Versailles
The Palace of Versailles, the seat of French royalty, is about 10 miles (16 km) southwest of Paris. (Epitome credit: <a href="http://world wide">Worakit Sirijinda</a> | <a href="http://world wide">Shutterstock</a>)

The Palace of Versailles is an opulent complex and former purple residence outside of Paris. It has held sway in the public imagination for years considering of its architectural grandeur and political history.

"To the public imagination, Versailles is the paradigm of opulence," said Louise Boisen Schmidt, a Denmark-based writer at This Is Versailles. "It represents an age in French history of both French republic's rise every bit a way and power center too as the dramatic — and bloody — refuse of the monarchy."

Located about x miles (16 kilometers) southwest of Paris, the palace is abreast the settlement of Versailles. The town was niggling more than a village earlier condign the seat of regal ability. By the time of the French Revolution, it had a population of more than than lx,000 people, making it one of the largest urban centers in France.

From hunting club to palace

France'due south kings were beginning attracted to Versailles because of the area's prolific game. Louis Xiii, who lived 1601-1643, bought up land, built a chateau and went on hunting trips. At the time, much of the land around Versailles was uncultivated, allowing wild animals to flourish.

The chateau Louis Xiii built was little more than a hunting social club having plenty space to house the rex and a small-scale entourage. Information technology was his successor, Louis 14 (1638-1715), the "Sunday Male monarch," a ruler who chose the sun as his emblem and believed in centralized government with the king at its eye, who would radically transform Versailles making it the seat of France'south regime by the time of his death.

Versailles features many fountains that were technological marvels for their time. (Epitome credit: Joan Quevado Fle Shutterstock)

Louis XIV ruled French republic for 72 years, and in that time transformed Versailles by encompassing Louis Thirteen's chateau with a palace that independent northward and south wings, besides as nearby buildings housing ministries.

Versailles was built to impress. "The most important message Louis XIV sent through the architecture of Versailles was his ultimate power," said Tea Gudek Snajdar, an Amsterdam-based art historian, museum docent and a blogger at Culture Tourist. "He is an absolute monarch, untouchable and distant. Only, even more than and then that, he is the Sun Rex. That symbolism of the Sunday King is very visible in the compages of the Versailles. The painter Lebrun, who designed the iconographic program of the Palace, focused paintings, sculptures and the architecture to 1 goal only — celebrating the King."

A series of gardens, created in a formal style, stood to the west of the palace (one of them today is in the shape of a star) and contained sculptures as well every bit the pressurized fountains capable of launching water high into the air. The formality and grandeur of the gardens symbolized Louis 14'due south absolute power, even over nature, according to Gudek Snajder.

"From the outset Louis attached a supreme importance to these h2o furnishings. Their virtuosity formed the star plow of a tour of the gardens," writes Tony Spawforth, a professor at Newcastle University, in his book "Versailles: A Biography of a Palace" (St. Martin's Press, 2008). "The furnishings were the piece of work of engineers whose machines made Versailles a hydraulic equally much equally an artistic wonder." Unfortunately, Spawforth notes, problems supplying water meant that the fountains could merely be turned on during special occasions.

In addition a grand canal, synthetic to the west of the garden and running almost a mile long, was used for naval demonstrations and had gondolas, donated by the Republic of Venice, steered by gondoliers.

Building such a lavish complex was an important part of Louis XIV's style of rule and behavior nigh monarchy, which we would call absolutism, said Schmidt. "As rex of France he was the embodiment of France — and his palace was meant to display the wealth and power of his nation," she said. "Furthermore, it was vital to him to enhance France's condition in Europe; not but by armed forces feats but in the arts besides. For instance, when the Hall of Mirrors was built, mirrors were unremarkably imported from Italia at a great cost. Louis 14 wanted to show that French republic could produce mirrors just as fine equally those produced in Italy, and consequently, all the mirrors of that hall were made on French soil."

Louis besides insisted on moving the French government to Versailles. Scholars have suggested a number of factors that led him to build a great palace circuitous at Versailles and move the French authorities in that location. Information technology's been noted that past keeping the rex's residence some distance from Paris, it offered him protection from any civil unrest going on in the metropolis. It too forced the nobles to travel to Versailles and seek lodging in the palace, something that impeded their power to build up regional power bases that could potentially claiming the king.

Every bit the French government moved into Versailles, and the king found himself swamped past work in his palace, he built himself the M (likewise called Marble) Trianon, a more modest palatial structure, about a mile (i.six kilometers) to the northwest of the palace every bit a private retreat where only he and those invited could visit.

Within the palace

Spawforth notes that the palace contained nigh 350 living units varying in size, from multi-room apartments to spaces near the size of an apse. The size and location of the room a person got depended on their rank and standing with the king. While the crown prince (known as the dauphin) got a sprawling apartment on the basis flooring, a servant may have nothing more than than a infinite in an attic or a makeshift room behind a staircase.

Louis XIV'south sleeping room was built on the upper floor and located centrally along the east-w centrality of the palace. Information technology was the near important room and was the location of two of import ceremonies where the king would wake upwardly (lever) and become to sleep (coucher) surrounded by his courtiers. The king also had a anniversary for putting on and taking off his hunting boots.

The Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. (Image credit: Jose Ignacio Soto Shutterstock)

These practices were symbols of Louis 14'southward moniker of Sun King. "His courtroom was seen as microcosms of the universe and the king is the sunday that shines over everything. Each action he would took (having a meal, strolling through the garden) became symbolic metaphor for his divine presence," explained Gudek Snajdar. "The 'Escalier des Ambassadeurs' was the first and the most of import Baroque ceremonial staircase. The interaction between the visitor and the king could be directed here in the about conscientious fashion."

The importance of the courtiers' presence at these ceremonies continued into the reigns of Louis XV and XVI. Spawforth notes that a courtier in 1784 wrote that "well-nigh of the people who come up to the court are persuaded that, to brand their way in that location, they must show themselves everywhere, be absent equally niggling possible at the rex's lever, removal of the boots, and coucher, show themselves assiduously at the dinners of the imperial family ... in short, must ceaselessly work at having themselves noticed."

The male monarch had his throne in the "Apollo Salon" and worshiped in a royal chapel, which spanned two stories, which Bajou notes was built between 1699 and 1710.

Despite the richness of the palace, the kings had to make do with makeshift theaters up until 1768 when Louis Fifteen allowed the building of the royal opera. It contained a mechanism that allowed the orchestra level to be raised to the stage allowing it to be used for dancing and banqueting. Spawforth notes that the opera required 3,000 candles to be burned for opening night and was rarely used due to its cost and the poor shape of France'southward finances.

Art and architecture

According to Schmidt, to our modern optics, Versailles is a perfect example of bizarre and rococo architecture. Just, said Gudek Snajdar, the French of the time would not have considered information technology baroque. "And it's understandable why," she said. "It's very unlike from, for example, Italian baroque compages, which served equally an inspiration for other European countries during that time."

Having his palace evoke Italian baroque architecture would accept angered Louis XIV. It would take gone confronting his sense of absolutism, said Gudek Snajdar, the conventionalities that he is at the centre of everything. In fact, Louis XIV fired a famous Italian architect hired to work on the Louvre Palace, which was built non long before Versailles.

Some fine art historians at present call the manner of the Louvre and Versailles "French classicism." They possess somewhat different features than Italian baroque compages, including the emphasis on symbols of ability and timeless domination. Other types of baroque architecture featured symbolic art, simply not necessarily with the emphasis on divine correct, kingly power and timeless rule.

"Everything in the Versailles of Louis Fourteen had a symbolic pregnant," said Schmidt. "The ceilings are adorned with illustrations of Roman gods with Louis XIV himself painted as Apollo, the Sun God. Throughout the palace you volition find the intertwined L's of his name. It all serves as a constant reminder that he is the male monarch and all power comes from him by the grace of God."

The ornamentation also emphasized the achievements of the male monarch. "The 'Hall of Mirrors' and the next Salons of State of war and Peace were decorated with the history of the male monarch," said Gudek Snajdar. The Hall of Mirrors has 30 tableaux that depict an epic story of Louis Xiv'south achievements and aspirations. Victory in battle features prominently in these narratives, with one example showing Louis with his army crossing the Rhine River in 1672. He is dressed in Roman wearing apparel, his long hair flows behind him, and he holds a thunderbolt like a projectile. He sits like a god in a chariot that is being pushed by none other than Hercules himself.

Estate of Marie Antoinette

Nearly the Thou Trianon, Marie Antoinette, the queen of Louis Xvi, created an manor for herself. She took over a building called the "Petit Trianon" and built a number of structures, including a working farm (likewise chosen the "hamlet"), which provided the palace with fresh produce, and a nearby house and small theater.

She also built a "Temple of Love," which modern-day curators say can be seen from her room in the Petit Trianon. Information technology features a dome propped up by nearly a dozen columns covering a statue, which shows a delineation of "Cupid cutting his bow from the guild of Hercules," Bajou writes.

Additionally, she congenital the mannerly "grotto," a cave that had a moss bed for Marie Antoinette to prevarication on. It had two entrances, prompting much speculation as to what went on in it.

Though Marie Antoinette is known for her lavishness, in reality she did non always enjoy beingness queen. Her manor reflects a want for a simpler life and homesickness for her native Austria. "Marie Antoinette grew up in Vienna as the youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa and Francis I. In the Habsburg Empire, royalty was allotted a far greater sense of privacy and she had a remarkably "normal" upbringing," explained Schmidt. "During her babyhood she would enjoy private family unit dinners and played with commoners' children, just at Versailles that was impossible. Once she had become Dauphine, her life was constantly in the spotlight. Etiquette demanded that she dine earlier a seemingly never-ending oversupply of spectators and getting dressed was a court ceremony in itself."

Marie Antoinette attempted to break some etiquette rules but was opposed by the court and the French people. She built the Village and took over the Petit Trianon and then that she could escape the many watchful eyes and be herself. It was an attempt to "recreate some of her dearly missed childhood."

American history at Versailles

2 key events in the American Revolution happened at Versailles. Benjamin Franklin, acting on behalf of a newly independent The states, negotiated a treaty with Louis XVI, which led to America getting critical support from the French military. Spawforth notes that Louis Xvi would have i of his inventions, a "Franklin chimney," installed that produced less smoke than an ordinary fireplace.

Fittingly, the Treaty of Paris, which formally ended the Revolutionary State of war, was signed on Sept. 3, 1783, at Versailles, shut to the palace in the nearby strange affairs edifice. Several decades later, when Male monarch Louis Philippe (reign 1830-1848) was turning Versailles into a museum, he would include a painting that depicts the siege of Yorktown, a decisive victory in the Revolutionary War in which the Americans and French cooperated confronting the British.

America would reciprocate in the 1920s when oil millionaire John D. Rockefeller Jr. paid to take the palace's expansive roof restored, amidst other buildings.

Versailles after the autumn

Subsequently the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, Rex Louis 16 and Queen Marie Antoinette would exist stripped of power, brought to Paris and ultimately beheaded. The palace roughshod under the control of the new republican government.

Many of its furnishings were sold to aid pay for the subsequent Revolutionary Wars. When Napoleon came to ability, he had an flat created for himself in the Grand Trianon, complete with a map room.

King Louis Philippe, in the museum he created, showcased different aspects of French history. The Battles Gallery can still be seen today with its modern-day keepers noting that the gallery's art depicts every master French battle between the Battle of Tolbiac in A.D. 496 and the Boxing of Wagram in 1809.

In the tardily 19th and 20th centuries, Versailles curators would catechumen many of the museum areas back into palace space, trying to bear witness how they looked before the French Revolution.

Two more pivotal events would occur at Versailles in this post-revolutionary catamenia. In 1871, after French republic had lost a war against Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm I was proclaimed Emperor of Frg in the Hall of Mirrors, adding an extra layer of humiliation to the French defeat. For several years after this defeat, the situation in France was so bad that its Chamber of Deputies and Senate opted to meet at Versailles, rather than Paris, for reasons of safety.

In 1919, France would have its revenge, of sorts, when the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed reparations on Germany, was signed in the same hall. Although the treaty formally ended World War I, it has been argued by some that it helped pave the manner for Earth State of war II. Even then, centuries after its modest start every bit a hunting lodge, events still took place at Versailles that ultimately helped shaped the world we live in today.


Today, Versailles is one of the about-visited sites in France. Visitors are fatigued to its architectural grandeur, the stunning water features (concerts are often played in the gardens during the summer) and its sense of history.

Every bit a symbol, Versailles can be understood as ane of opposites, said Schmidt. It reflects both the dazzler and civilisation of French republic and its tumultuous history. "When information technology was built, it was a curiosity (and withal is) and represented France's power. However, toward the cease of the 18th century information technology became more of a symbol of the aristocracy'due south wealth, which stood in stark contrast to that of the common people. The entire mindset of society had changed with the Enlightenment, which caused the palace to be seen as a symbol of the old regime."

Owen Jarus

Owen Jarus is a regular correspondent to Alive Science who writes about archaeology and humans' past. He has also written for The Independent (UK), The Canadian Press (CP) and The Associated Press (AP), among others. Owen has a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism caste from Ryerson University.

Who Expanded The Palace Of Versailles To Its Present Size?,


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