
How To Get Someone To Fall In Love With You

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You (Or Love You More)

Updated on October 23, 2021 by Amber & The Team

couple in the evening with cute jackets about to kiss

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couple in the sunset showing how to make someone love you with affection

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to do anything, at least something to make someone fall in love with you?

It might be that a new sympathy makes you crush on him hard, or maybe you feel like you and your partner are starting to feel disconnected and that leaves you worried (in this case, this article can help you too).

Believe it or not, love can be "grown from seed" and there are ways to make someone fall in love with you, or love you more. In fact, you can even make someone love you so hard, that they will never, ever forget you, even if the relationship doesn't work out.

Here are a few subtle, lasting, and sincere ways to make someone go nuts about you!

The Art Of Attraction: 20 Subtle Psychological Tricks To Awaken Love In Someone's Heart

This article will show you how to spark romantic feelings with your behavior, attentive presence, subtle signals, and mutual interests. Each part will share several relationship tips before moving to the next one. We'll start with behavioral things that create a positive emotional reaction towards you.

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With Your BEHAVIOUR

1. Be a safe space for them.

If you want to make someone love you, become a safe haven for them. Become someone who they can talk to about their pain, scares, hardships, achievements, goals, emotions, and insecurities. Why? Because everyone has problems and dreams, but few of us have social support systems that help us to feel strong and encouraged. Having someone to "be there for you" creates a very pleasant feeling of safety. In turn, you want to be around this person more. So, earn their trust and show your honest interest if you want to make this special person feel intensely attracted.

2. Be a good listener too.

Everyone loves to talk about themselves, so it's essential that you let a person talk without interrupting or jumping in at your chance to speak. It's easy to get too excited to share things about yourself, but to really make someone fall in love with you, make them feel both listened to and heard, especially at the start of a new relationship. This doesn't mean you should never talk about yourself – just make sure your conversation is not a monologue.

Couple drinking tea at the coffee shop and bonding

3. Allow yourself to be vulnerable

If you want to make someone fall in love with you, try to open up and be vulnerable around them. Trying to look perfect will not get you far – nobody is perfect and sooner or later, your perfect image can take a great fall. Instead, just allow yourself to be imperfect (hint – a lot of men even find vulnerability in women attractive). And since every one of us is vulnerable (including men), daring to show your weaker side can help you to create an intrinsic emotional connection.

4. Let your real self shine

We already know that if you pretend to be someone else to please your partner, it will only backfire in due time. Lovers should be honest with each other. But despite imperfections, everyone has a lot of great personality traits too! If you want to make someone fall in love with you, let your best side shine and be yourself at all times! Don't be afraid to show all the quirky, fun, and spontaneous sides of your personality. Emphasize what you have (your humor, intelligence, skills, playfulness – anything that makes you, you). Show off your looks as well – confidence is very attractive and can make anyone look better just like that (we'll touch more on physical beauty later).

Related: 25 Ways To Drastically Improve Your Confidence

woman cute couple in love flirting

5. Be confident in your abilities

Speaking of confidence… People appreciate and generally like those who are confident in their abilities. Even if you tend to doubt yourself inside, or focus on your flaws, don't let these doubts dim your light. Believe in what you have to offer to this world, believe that you're worthy (you are), and emphasize your greatest abilities. This way, there's a great chance that you'll make that special someone fall in love with you in no time.

6. Don't confess your feelings first

This is not a golden rule, but this trick can be helpful if you don't want to ruin everything by rushing too soon and too fast. Allow your crush enough time to process their feelings instead of going through the distress of a one-sided love confession. Be patient! Let your relationship take (at least a soft) form before moving forward.

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Through ATTENTION

7. Make this person feel needed by you

I know I just told you to be confident around that special person, but that doesn't mean you should make them feel unwanted. Being confident and arrogant are two different things. One is attractive, the other can be off-putting so don't forget to be friendly as well. One way to do that is to show that you value this persons' presence in your life. Occasionally ask for their help, opinion, or support to make this person feel useful, and needed. Again, a little bit of vulnerability is attractive and it can help you to create that initial invisible bond. If your crush is a guy, it can also make them feel good about themselves.

8. Show interest in their world

Showing interest in what they do or have to say, being curious in the conversation is critical to creating and maintaining a healthy bond. It can't be harder to make someone fall in love with you if the person doesn't feel your attraction or at least – curiosity about him or her. Also, knowing that someone is interested in their personality makes people naturally want to communicate with them. So, hear them out on their political views, care about their goals, ask about their dreams, and chat about their ideas – just like you would care about yourself. Not only can it help you bond, but it will show you if that person is really what you're looking for.

9. Laugh at their jokes

Laughing + smiling while talking to your special someone can strengthen the connection between you two, so make sure to at least giggle when he or she tells a funny joke! You don't need to go overboard and laugh extremely long (like those people in comedy movies)… But really having fun, and joking around together is a perfect way to make someone love you, just because "it feels so good to spend time with you!".

Cute couple on bed showing how to make someone love you by chatting

10. Fill their belly!

It may sound cliché, but both men and women love to eat tasty food, and this knowledge can also help to make someone fall in love with you. What a great opportunity to show off those cooking (or restaurant-finding) skills! Asking him/her out to dinner is a sure way to spark those feelings of love.

What if your special person is someone from work, and you don't want everyone to find out about your crush? You can make something tasty for all of your colleagues (like cupcakes!) and bring them to work. It won't be suspicious, and it will still create a nice association for the person you need.

11. Appreciate those good traits

To make someone feel noticed and adored, appreciate the little gestures they make. Even if it is as simple as opening the car door for you, or helping you with a project at work, you can acknowledge that. Make them feel like their effort and good manners are noticed. It's a small detail, but when you want to make someone fall in love with you, every little detail matters.


12. Maintain eye contact

Maintaining eye contact is a subtle way to flirt and make a connection with anyone (even strangers). To show someone you're interested, try to engage in soft and gentle eye contact. Interestingly, people who feel in love look at their passion objects more often, and it can be a way to express their romantic affection. You don't have to stare into his or her eyes without a pause, but trying to hide your eyes won't help either.

13. Use your body language

Our body language is one of the most important ways to communicate and send signals to anyone. When you want to make someone fall in love with you, body language can do wonders to express your interest! A flirty brush on the arm, an innocent blush, a gentle hair stroke can often create even more sexual attraction than words.

cute couple in love flirting in the balcony

14. Stun with your looks

The first thing people will notice about each other is their appearance. Physical attractiveness is so important that "love at first sight" is not just a popular saying – it's a real psychological phenomenon.

Since it's not a secret that you can make someone fall in love with you just by looking stunning and put together, it's a great motivation to enhance and emphasize your best features. If you need ideas for that, check out these cool little guides we have on beauty and looking great:

  • How To Look Pretty & Polished Every Day
  • 65 Self-Love Filled Ways To Improve Your Appearance
  • Glow Up Challenge: How To Enhance Your Beauty In 30 Days Or Less

15. Send cute texts

If there's already some mingling happening between you (maybe you even had a first date), phone messages are remarkably important. Remind about yourself from time to time, or send a nice good-morning type of text if you feel like things are moving forward. A lot of people feel more confident to express their romantic feelings over texts, so you might notice a few important signs directed towards you, hidden between the lines.

Woman with headphones shows how to make someone love you with phone messages

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Through MUTUAL INTERESTS

16. Have healthy debates

If you're eager to make someone fall in love with you fast, make sure they know that you are a beauty with brains! Nothing attracts people more than an intelligent man or a woman who can hold her ground in a deep conversation. It's important to know how to argue without offending others too – you don't want to ruin your blossoming relationship with poor discussion habits (and that's very easy to do).

17. Spend time together

It's hard to leave a mark on someone's heart if you're rarely around. If you want to make someone love you, be creative and try to find ways to spend time with that person. If you're just starting with your mission to make him or her fall for you, just try to be somewhere around, as much as possible. If things are more advanced, not a single bonding experience matches a movie night where you share your favorite snacks… Be seen and felt around, if possible!

woman shows how to make someone love you with flirt

18. … But don't be sticky

Even if you want to talk to him or her all day, it's a good idea to spend some time apart too. You don't want to be seen as overly attached to anyone.

To slowly make someone fall in love with you, try to find a nice balance between being together often, and letting that special person rest and think through whatever is happening between you two.

19. Try out their hobbies

One of the easier ways to make someone fall in love with you is to find an activity that interests you both and connect through that. Just imagine how much you could chat about a hobby that excites both of you!

If you want to, it can be useful to explore his or her interests and hobbies. Even if you are not interested in those golf games, try to accompany them a few times, or invite them to do this activity together. If you manage to do it (or even like it), it can be a great way to spend some time together and learn something new about your sympathy.

20. Have and embrace your own opinion

At first sight, it may seem like agreeing with everything they say is an easy way to make him or her love you, but that's not always the case. Being the one who always says "yes" might be damaging to a long-term relationship. If you have a different opinion, express yourself and don't stay silent! People love a person with character, soul, and strong views – it's almost like standing your ground (without getting angry). It shows that you're confident in who you are.

P.S. If possible, avoid creating conflict just because your opinion is different. It's okay to have your own opinion and respect a different opinion at the same time.

Can you make someone fall back in love with you?

Now you know how to make someone new fall in love with you, but what about someone you're already in a relationship with? If you and your husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/ex have fostered romantic feelings before, but suddenly or slowly fell out of love, it can be tricky to get those feelings back. However, you still have options.

  • You can try analyzing your and your loved one's behavior to find and fix what went wrong;
  • You can strive to talk, communicate and look for solutions to your biggest relationship problems;
  • You can try talking to a relationship coach or expert;
  • You can try couple's therapy – an experienced psychotherapist can help you to find and solve common disagreements;
  • You can try to change your life or routines so that stress and problems have less effect on your romantic life.

Final Notes

These are a few general tips that can help you on your journey to win someone's heart. Of course, there's always a possibility that even the highest effort won't pay off. Everyone has his or her taste in the way people look, speak, or act. It's always possible that you might not fall into that category.

However, making someone feel appreciated, noticed, heard, and admired is just something that is written in our psychology – people tend to like those who like them (this is called reciprocal liking). I hope you will try these tips to inspire, captivate and eventually – make someone fall in love with you… For you.

Like these tips? Scroll down for more!


We strive to use high-quality information and deliver content that is based on science, latest research, comprehensive studies, or expert advice. These reputable sources have influenced or inspired this article:

  • Treger, S., Sprecher, S. and Erber, R. (2013), Laughing and liking: Exploring the interpersonal effects of humor use in initial social interactions. Eur. J. Soc. Psychol., 43: 532-543.
  • Eastwick, P. W., & Finkel, E. J. (2009). Reciprocity of Liking. In H. T. Reis, & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (Vol. 3, pp. 1333-1336). SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. "Where Do We Fall When We Fall In Love?" Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, vol. 8 no. 2, 2003, p. 279-288. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/psy.2003.0050.
  •  Galperin A, Haselton M. Predictors of How Often and When People Fall in Love. Evolutionary Psychology. January 2010. doi:10.1177/147470491000800102
  • Swami, V. (2011). Love at first sight? Individual differences and the psychology of initial romantic attraction. In T. Chamorro-Premuzic, S. von Stumm, & A. Furnham (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of individual differences (pp. 747–772). Wiley Blackwell.

Amber & The Team

Amber & The Team

Amber is Editor-In-Chief at
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How To Get Someone To Fall In Love With You


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